Cal Scott, guitar, bought his first electric guitar in 1963 and started playing in a band with Bob and Dan. His family moved away from the Eastern Oregon town where all three grew up, and after college, he started playing in the Portland music scene. For more steady income, Cal worked at a Portland recording studio for a time in the 70s, and then started to write music for film and TV, scoring over 60s documentaries and specials for PBS. He continued to play and lead bands all along the way, and met back up with Bob and Dan at a high school reunion in 2008. They’ve been playing together ever since.  The trio started writing songs together during the early days of the COVID lockdown, and as the songs grew in number, they decided to record and perform them. 


Bob Bailey, bass, wanted to be a rock and roll star since he was 13… in 1963 when he first started to play with Cal and Dan. He went on to tour with a rock band in the early 1970s playing 5 hours and night, 6 nights a week and travelling on Sundays. One week after coming home with $1.70 he decided another option to pay the bills might be necessary, so he went to Med School and practiced medicine for nearly 30 years, all the while continuing to play bass on the side. A class reunion in 2008 brought Dan, Cal and Bob together and they’ve been playing music together ever since.


Dan Ross, drums, wanted to be a drummer as far back as he can remember. He bought his first drum set with paper route money and started playing with Bob and Cal when they were 13 (he says it was better than winning a trip to Disneyland). The band was short lived, but he kept playing whenever and wherever he could. He played the five-hours-a-night six-nights-a-week lounge circuit,  weekends at city clubs and small town bars, at two maximum security prisons, and almost every Elks and Eagles club in the northwest.  Like Bob and Cal, he needed another career to make a steady income, so he worked in the music retail business for over 40 years. In 2008, he reunited with Bob and Cal at a class reunion, and they’ve been playing ever since.